Lance & Megan's Blog

Winter in Ukraine


Just thought I would post a few pictures of what winter looks like here. Pretty much I can sum it up in one word… BEAUTIFUL!

Through the park

A frosty church

A view of the city

Christmas tree in the city center weathering a blizzard

People say “you’ll get tired of the snow.” Wet icy blankets they are, I love the snow and I have not grown tired of it! Bring it on! I want to wade through it, dive into it, throw it around and have some to spare. We only get it 4 months out of the year here so what’s to complain about? 🙂

Pointy, shiny, pointy
Hanging precariously

posted under cultural, Megan, Ukraine
One Comment to

“Winter in Ukraine”

  1. On January 10th, 2013 at 11:13 am mom Says:

    Beautiful pictures Megan!