Our Top Books of 2024
What were our favorites from last year? Here’s our breakdown in no particular order.

Megan’s Top 3
- Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri
- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
- Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose
- Runner up: The Lost Year by Katherine Marsh

Lance’s Top 3
- Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
- The Space Trilogy by C. S. Lewis
- Lilith George MacDonald
- Runner up: Blessed are the Misfits by Brant Hansen
Megan read:
- 27 books total, 6,536 pages
- 8 biographies
- 6 non-fiction
- 2 books in verse
- 4 graphic novels
Reading graphic novels and books written in verse was a new experience. I enjoyed it and can definitely see how artwork can enhance the story for graphic novels and writing in verse can evoke emotion and tell a story in a different way than just text. I read several books with a friend which always helps enhance the reading experience, for example, Rumors of a Better Country is best read with another person, it’s very heady and theoretical and needs conversation to help process what’s been read.
There are only a few books I would not recommend (How To Rob a Bank and This One Summer) but overall, I enjoyed all the books I read.
Lance read:
- 23 books total, 7,139 pages
- 2 biographies
- 9 non-fiction
- 3 Christian Formation
- Many university text books, articles and journals etc.
Much to my angst, my normal reading this year has been interrupted by the textbooks of school. I do not begrudge this change too much however, as it is all for the good cause of continuing my education to gain more specific skills in our ministering and loving those we serve. In my other reading, it has mostly been a year of oldie-but-goodies that I have read multiple times. I think it was Lewis who said that you have never really read a book until you have gone back to it over and over again. He is also a major part of my re-reading this year. The boys and I have been slowly going through Narnia and it is as alive to me as ever. I also read the space trilogy again. These books are so important for our time now, as all the Space Trilogy evangelists will tell you. Blessed are the Misfits was a surprisingly helpful book for me. I would have not given it a second glance unless a friend went through it with me. I have always felt uncomfortable in different Christian settings, and this helped me understand that I was not alone. Finally, George Macdonald hits me in so many good ways and I owe to him a lot of my love for God and others through his writing… thanks again Lewis for the recommendation.