Lance & Megan's Blog

Rules of Retrieving a Christmas Tree


Rule # 1 Pile 6 people into a 5 passenger car.


Rule # 2 Shoot your son-in-law with an ice bazooka.


Rambo Mama

Rambo Mama

Rule # 3 Stab your brother-in-law with an ice dagger.


"I don't want a brother!"

“I don’t want a brother!”

Yes there was a small ice weapon war that occurred about half way up FS 7012.

Rule # 4 Find a dense patch of trees and try to get lost in it.

We almost lost a few family members until my dad appeared on the road above us.

I found mama!

I found mama!



"Are we going to get a tree or what?"

“Are we going to get a tree or what?”

Rule # 5 Sing Christmas songs or just blast Christmas music from the car for all of creation to enjoy.

The birds would say check.

Rule # 6 Take pictures of the amazing Pacific Northwest.



Rule # 7 Climb a tree with the intent of cutting off the top to serve as your Christmas tree.

It's true, guys from Oregon hug trees.

It’s true, guys from Oregon hug trees.

Rule # 8 Forget the chainsaw

Rule # 9 Break the bow saw but fix it with a bungee cord

Um, yep. We wanted the top of this tree, but the bow saw broke about 1/3 of the way through the trunk. We had to forgo our first choice and find a smaller tree. (Not sure what we were thinking…)

George Murrgyver

George Murrgyver

Rule # 10 If you miss taking a video of the tree coming down, just stand it back up and do a “redo”


Rule # 11 Kiss your sweaty sweetie while sitting on a snow-laden log.

Check and double and triple check, and…


Rule # 12 Don’t forget hot chocolate and Spritz cookies.


Rule #13 Take pictures with your sisters while miraculously wearing coordinating colors.



Rule # 14 Admire the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Can’t get enough.


Rule # 15 Get a family photo while out in the mountains.



posted under funny, Lance, Megan
One Comment to

“Rules of Retrieving a Christmas Tree”

  1. On December 17th, 2013 at 6:42 pm Joe Roberts Says:

    Where is the like button?