Lance & Megan's Blog

My sister’s comin to town


Actually she’s already been to town and left. I just haven’t told you about it yet. This was in the beginning of August.

Yep, my little sis came to visit me! What an honor it was to have my sister here to see where I live and work. She came in on a Wednesday, we got home that night after a bumpy ride home. The next day we just relaxed together mostly. Alison met some of my buds, I took her to the park, showed her where I spend most of my time. That night, we went to a concert in the park of which we left early and went to a Ukrainian style restaurant with some other friends. There was some live music and good food. We went to the Ternopil museum, chatted, had wraps, saw some churches, chatted, ate ice cream and chatted in the park. What else are sister supposed to do?

The bathroom stalls in an old restaurant

On Saturday, we went to Lviv with my roommate Marichka who is from Lviv. Marichka knew all the sites, she was our tour guide for the day. We went to a little outdoor market, visited several beautiful churches and buildings. Since it was Saturday, there seemed to be a wedding going on in every church. This didn’t stop us from going in or going right on up to the front to get pictures. I discovered a great Ukrainian wedding tradition that day, when the wedding ceremony is over and the bride and groom step out of the church, the bride throws candy out to the crowd waiting. We just happened to be nearby and candy just seemed to fall right at our feet. It would have been a shame to not pick it up.

On the way to Lviv

Old city gates in Lviv

Lviv is a beautiful city that also happens to have chocolate factories. Gotta stock up on that! We ended the day back at the market and hopped back on the train home. Once home we still had time to go to another outdoor concert and left early again for pizza.

In front of the Lviv theatre

Sunday, Alison got to see where I go to church and meet my family there. I took her secondhand shopping and chocolate shopping before we had some friends over to play games and have tea. We made our trip back to Kiev on Monday and said our goodbyes until we see each other again. It was such a blessing!

posted under Megan, travel

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